Monday, May 30, 2011

Its baaaacccckkkk!!!!

It’s baaaacccckkkk!!! 


This afternoon,  my XYL Tammy (KB4TQO) and I went to Cross Mountain and replaced the power supply on the 145.47 repeater.  A few quick checks (duplex power, “desense,”  and remote control function), and I am happy to report that 145.47 is back up and ready to go.  I am also happy to report that *this* power supply has the provision for battery backup, which I hope to add the batteries for in the very near future.  Stay tuned!


73 de Tim WB4GBI



Tim Berry WB4GBI

Chief Engineer

Citadel Broadcasting of Knoxville, TN


OFFICE: 865-212-4519 (leave a message, I will be paged)

FAX: 865-909-0821

check out my website at


Chief Engineer

Vol Radio Network

IMG College/University of Tennessee


1 comment:

Rick Sr said...

Hey Tim thanks , glad to here the wife went along also !!