Monday, May 30, 2011

Its baaaacccckkkk!!!!

It’s baaaacccckkkk!!! 


This afternoon,  my XYL Tammy (KB4TQO) and I went to Cross Mountain and replaced the power supply on the 145.47 repeater.  A few quick checks (duplex power, “desense,”  and remote control function), and I am happy to report that 145.47 is back up and ready to go.  I am also happy to report that *this* power supply has the provision for battery backup, which I hope to add the batteries for in the very near future.  Stay tuned!


73 de Tim WB4GBI



Tim Berry WB4GBI

Chief Engineer

Citadel Broadcasting of Knoxville, TN


OFFICE: 865-212-4519 (leave a message, I will be paged)

FAX: 865-909-0821

check out my website at


Chief Engineer

Vol Radio Network

IMG College/University of Tennessee


Saturday, May 28, 2011

145.47 is off the air!!

145.47 is OFF THE AIR!! 


Late Friday Afternoon, I was on .94 when a fellow ham asked me why they could not get in to 145.47. I was surprised (based on his location), but then imagine MY surprise when I couldn’t access it either!! Today, I made a hurried trip to Cross Mountain to see what was wrong. I thought I had the repeater repaired and in fact a couple of QSO’s were made and then it failed again. The problem seems to be in the GE MASTR II power supply for .47. When it has been on the air for a while, the DC voltage drops to 2 volts (well below the 13-14 volts the repeater needs).  It appears that the AC transformer is overheating and opening up.


The Good News: I have a spare power supply.


The Bad News: I ran out of time today, as it is a 1 hour trip (one way) to the repeater site.  I will try to get the new power supply to the site tomorrow or (at the latest) Monday, which happens to be an off-day for my employer.



Speaking of many of you have a Veteran in your family? Perhaps a my case my grandfather (Fred O. Berry, Sr.) served in World War II.  Even if you don’t have a veteran in your family, let us all remember that Memorial Day is a time for us to pause and remember the sacrifices that they made for our freedoms.  If they are still with you, tell your family member “Thank You.”   Make it from all of us. Freedom isn’t free. Many have paid with their lives. And that is why we remember on Memorial Day.


73 de Tim WB4GBI


Tim Berry WB4GBI

Chief Engineer

Citadel Broadcasting of Knoxville, TN


OFFICE: 865-212-4519 (leave a message, I will be paged)

FAX: 865-909-0821

check out my website at


Chief Engineer

Vol Radio Network

IMG College/University of Tennessee


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

147.075 is back on the air!!

147.075 is back on the air!


Hooray!  After a week of shutdown due to it causing interference to Kevin (W4KEV)’s 145.37 repeater, I was able to pay a visit to the 147.075 site on Tuesday Evening. I exchanged the defective PA (power amplifier) with one that I had as a ready spare. The result was a “clean” signal from 147.075, with no interference to other repeaters.  It’s back on the air and ready for your use! 


Remember, 147.075 has an open autopatch for your use. I realize that in the age of cellular phones that an autopatch is not as needed as it once was, but there are still a significant amount of autopatch calls that are made by .075 users.  And what about those areas up in the mountains where there is NO cellular service?  I have heard several autopatches from HT’s up on the tops of some of the mountainous areas within the Smoky Mountains National Park.  In case you are interested, you can check out the instructions on how to use the autopatch at


I also discovered yet another antenna problem, this one on .075 itself.  It appears that I have an antenna or heliax problem on the repeater antenna. This is going to make it harder for portables and distant stations to access 147.075. Rest assured, as soon as I can get a tower climber to the site I will address this one along with the other sites.


Thanks for reading the ‘blog.  I know there are over 50 subscribers…but I don’t have any feedback as of late when I write an entry.  Hello…(tap,tap,tap)…is this thing on?  J


73 de Tim WB4GBI





Tim Berry WB4GBI

Chief Engineer

Citadel Broadcasting of Knoxville, TN


OFFICE: 865-212-4519 (leave a message, I will be paged)

FAX: 865-909-0821

check out my website at


Chief Engineer

Vol Radio Network

IMG College/University of Tennessee


Saturday, May 21, 2011

In case you were wondering...

In case you were wondering…is Amateur Radio relevant anymore?


This came via email today from Rick, N4JTQ.  I hope he doesn’t mind me forwarding it…


I was sitting at my desk when I heard a call on the 145.470 repeater today, the 21st of May, a emergency call, I got up and responded to the station WA4HSM Alvin from Knoxville who was on the Dragon, apparently a Biker took a curve a little fast and went down, and ran off the road, when Alvin stopped their was another lady there who was a medical person, the bike rider was unconscious, Alvin stated a emergency on the repeater, and requested I call for emergency services, which he had the phone number , called and advised dispatch we had a MVA, gave him my location and information and proceeded to advise the emergency,we relayed information between us and emergency units where dispatched to the scene..a little later Alvin called back and advised that Police ,Fire and EMS was on the scene, the man was conscious, and in fact there was another wreck on up the road, apparently the emergency personal was not able to get out on their radio's, but thanks to Amateur Radio, and Tim Berry who owns and maintains the 145.470 amateur repeater communications ,continued .. and everything looks like it turned out for the best, thanks to all who where able to assist in this accident..
Time Line
Call From Alvin on repeater 11:53 am
Dispatch Notified at 11:55 am
Dispatch sends out units at 11:57 am
Great response !!

Richard Sawaya Sr   Amateur Extra Class
Emergency Management Agency Logistics Officer for Sevier County
President Sevier County Emergency Radio Service
Emergency Coordinator Sevier County & TN ARES
Co Founder Of The 470 ARG Net
ADEC for District 6 Skywarn
ARRL VE Manager,  ARRL ARECC Instructor & Examiner
CoCoRahs Weather Station TN-SV-5

“When all else fails…Amateur Radio!!!”


73 de Tim WB4GBI

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Hey! Why is 147.075 off the air?

HEY!! Why is 147.075 off the air?


This past Sunday (May 15th), I received an email that my 147.075 repeater was interfering with Kevin (W4KEV)’s 145.37 repeater. After checking it, I found this info to be true and turned the repeater off remotely. When I have had interference, I expect the person responsible for the offending equipment to remove it from the air until the problem is solved, and when it’s my fault I should not be any different.


I made a trip to the .075 site on Monday morning, and found the transmitter power amplifier (PA) to be unstable. I tried re-tuning it and operating it at different power levels, but I could get the offending spurious signal out of Kevin’s repeater receiver, so it remains off. Now, for the (hopefully) good news: I do have a spare PA, so I will try exchanging them in the next day or so as time permits.


147.075 is by no means my busiest repeater, but it does have the autopatch that is useful to several area hams that I have heard use it from time to time. It is also where I intend to have an IRLP node someday.


As for the other repeaters, I am still waiting on the opportunity to replace the 146.94 antenna with the new one that is at the site and ready to go. This is just a matter of logistics; as I am trying to get the weather, my available time, and an available tower climber to be together all at once. The same applies for the 146.73 repeater.  Hang in there…I want .94 and .73 to be the best repeaters they can be. George and Sam (K4HXD and WB4HAP, the respective original owners, both SK’s) would expect nothing less.


Thanks for reading the ‘blog, and I look forward to hearing each of you on the air soon!


73 de Tim WB4GBI







Tim Berry WB4GBI

Chief Engineer

Citadel Broadcasting of Knoxville, TN


OFFICE: 865-212-4519 (leave a message, I will be paged)

FAX: 865-909-0821

check out my website at


Chief Engineer

Vol Radio Network

IMG College/University of Tennessee