HEY!! Why is 147.075 off the air?
This past Sunday (May 15th), I received an email that my 147.075 repeater was interfering with Kevin (W4KEV)’s 145.37 repeater. After checking it, I found this info to be true and turned the repeater off remotely. When I have had interference, I expect the person responsible for the offending equipment to remove it from the air until the problem is solved, and when it’s my fault I should not be any different.
I made a trip to the .075 site on Monday morning, and found the transmitter power amplifier (PA) to be unstable. I tried re-tuning it and operating it at different power levels, but I could get the offending spurious signal out of Kevin’s repeater receiver, so it remains off. Now, for the (hopefully) good news: I do have a spare PA, so I will try exchanging them in the next day or so as time permits.
147.075 is by no means my busiest repeater, but it does have the autopatch that is useful to several area hams that I have heard use it from time to time. It is also where I intend to have an IRLP node someday.
As for the other repeaters, I am still waiting on the opportunity to replace the 146.94 antenna with the new one that is at the site and ready to go. This is just a matter of logistics; as I am trying to get the weather, my available time, and an available tower climber to be together all at once. The same applies for the 146.73 repeater. Hang in there…I want .94 and .73 to be the best repeaters they can be. George and Sam (K4HXD and WB4HAP, the respective original owners, both SK’s) would expect nothing less.
Thanks for reading the ‘blog, and I look forward to hearing each of you on the air soon!
73 de Tim WB4GBI
Tim Berry WB4GBI
Chief Engineer
Citadel Broadcasting of Knoxville, TN
OFFICE: 865-212-4519 (leave a message, I will be paged)
FAX: 865-909-0821
check out my website at www.wb4gbi.com
Chief Engineer
Vol Radio Network
IMG College/University of Tennessee