After almost eight weeks of waiting, the NEW 146.94 antenna is finally here! It arrived at my place of work yesterday. Today, Kevin (W4KEV), Todd (KA4OAK), and I unpacked and inspected it. There are a couple of things that I will do to it to help weatherproof it, but I will be contacting the tower climber that I use for my employer’s work, post haste, and arranging its installation! Hang on…the long wait is almost over!
A couple of other things: You may have noticed the 146.73 repeater has been off the air more than it has been on. Unfortunately, it has been plagued with some kind of interference that is causing it to lock up and pass noise. My immediate plan is to install a tone board on the receiver. The tone will be 118.8 Hz, the same as used on my other repeaters when needed. I will then be attempting to locate the cause of the “mix” that is plaguing the repeater. I have some great plans for .73, but I can’t discuss them just yet. Stay tuned, as I try to get .73 back to its high standard of performance that was enjoyed by all when Sam (WB4HAP, now SK) had this heritage repeater on the air in recent years.
Also, I am THRILLED to announce that 145.47 has been selected to be the primary SKYWARN repeater for the district 6 area as defined by the National Weather Service. If you are using .47 and someone breaks in and advises you that the repeater is needed for SKYWARN, please allow them to start their nets as it means sever weather is eminent. SKYWARN is a prime example of how we as amateurs can use our hobby to provide vital communications to agencies that need our services. If you are not trained to be a SKYWARN weather observer, check out the upcoming training classes so you can help out with this important service.
THANK YOU all for reading my blog, and I look forward to hearing each of you on the air on one of my repeaters soon!
73 de Tim WB4GBI
Tim Berry WB4GBI (check out my website at
Chief Engineer
Citadel Broadcasting of
Chief Engineer
Vol Radio Network
"Do you really want to know what's wrong...or do you just want me to fix it?
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