Wednesday, April 6, 2011

145.470 is BACK ON THE AIR!!

145.470 is back on the air!!


After a local (not utility-related) AC power issue was repaired, the .47 repeater has returned to the air!

We now return you to a working repeater, already in progress… J


73 de Tim WB4GBI


Tim Berry WB4GBI

Chief Engineer

Citadel Broadcasting of Knoxville, TN


OFFICE: 865-212-4519 (leave a message, I will be paged)

FAX: 865-909-0821

check out my website at


Chief Engineer

Vol Radio Network

IMG College/University of Tennessee


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

145.47 is off the air!

145.470 is off the air!


I’m sorry to report that  .47 is off the air after last night’s storms. I suspect that its status may be due to a lack of AC power at the repeater site.  I had intended to try to make my way to the site today, but had to take care of other storm related damage to the equipment of my employer(s).  Gotta pay the bills, you know…  J


While I’m on the subject of AC power, I do want to pass along that I have a battery-reverting power supply and some gel-cell batteries to try to install at the .47 site, assuming my landlord permits.  This would keep the repeater on the air for a short while after the commercial power fails, but probably not as long as the AC power has been off this time.  But I do hope it would help keep .47 on the air as long as possible.  If *did* have a battery backup, we would have to be careful with .47’s “up” time to maximize the battery life.


These other WB4GBI repeaters have emergency (generator) power:  146.73, 146.94, 147.075, 224.34, 444.300, and 927.725.   I just wanted to pass this info along if you ever find yourself needing amateur communications in a widespread power outage situation.  I am very fortunate and thankful that these repeaters are at sites that are emergency-power ready.


I will report on .47 as soon as I have checked out the site, hopefully tomorrow. Thank you for reading, and for your continued support of my repeaters!


73 de Tim WB4GBI