145.47 is 30 years young!!!
30 years ago, on September 17, 1981, a long-time dream of owning my very own amateur radio repeater was fulfilled. 145.47 first went on the air at my parent's home in
Special Thanks to: Ralph Lockhart, WB4CTW, for the “birthday” cake, and for staying at the picnic shelter to reserve our picnic spot!
Also, thanks to Rick, N4JTQ, for organizing the event, and inviting folks on the nets.
Thanks to Gloria, KJ4BHF, for helping with the food and drinks at the picnic.
In other news: I installed the $500 isolator on 146.73, and unfortunately the intermod problem did not completely go away. It is very weak, however, and I hope that moving the antenna higher up the tower and away from the offending UHF antennae will eliminate the problem altogether. Please “cross your fingers…” that the vertical separation will help, and also it will get the .73 antenna above the tree line and help its coverage that way as well!
Thanks for subscribing to the blog…This time of year, with my “other” job, I don’t get to write as much. But I *do* hope you use and enjoy the repeaters-that makes the efforts to keep them up worthwhile!
73 de Tim WB4GBI
Tim Berry
Tim Berry WB4GBI
Chief Engineer
Cumulus Broadcasting of
OFFICE: 865-212-4519 (leave a message, I will be paged)
FAX: 865-909-0821
check out my website at www.wb4gbi.com
Chief Engineer
Vol Radio Network
IMG College/University of
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